Let’s change the the subject…

Sometimes I like to step out the box and blog about things other than myself. I wanted to take a moment and be like everyone else and talk about this Blac Chyna vs The World drama going on.

If you haven’t heard Rob decided to air out Blac Chyna’s dirty laundry and show the world what we already knew about her. Difference this time is, he seemed super butt hurt that someone he cared about, could possibly move on or rather just drop him like a hot potato. This is the mother of his child, we all knew exactly what was up when they went public, and truthfully to me, they seemed like your average ratchet couple; girlfriend has anger issues from past situations and boyfriend has insecurity issues.

None of that really phases me, until he gets down to fuck-boy level and decides to let it all out because he sees her with someone else. I know more than a handful of girls this has happened to the moment they’re ex realizes they’ve moved on. So why do all these women feel like she’s a hoe? I’m pretty sure oh or your home girl has sent a guy a nude and he showed it to all his friends. Only difference is, the entire world isn’t waiting and hoping you fail. Rob suffers with mental health issues as do I , but I’m not running around screaming I’m a savage and intentionally hurting those around me.

The main thing is, majority of women have been in the middle of some drama involving multiple men, maybe a leaked nude, or dealt with someone who really wanted to destroy you. But I’m begging you America, let it go. Unless you somehow plan on showing all these “savages” that trying to destroy someone you once loved/the mother of your child is not the way to go… just let it be.
For the record can someone tell who raised these boys?