Wait… What happens in 20 Years?

Getting together with women who are 20+ years older than me was seeing what my life could possibly be like if I don’t get my shit together. Don’t get me wrong, the women who I spent time with last night were from 3 completely different  angles on the spectrum.

  • One has worked an extremely well paying job traveling the world, eventually getting laid off. With no college degree she’s attempting to get her life back on track after spending 6 months on unemployment. The process of getting her life back together is taking longer than planned, but like me is still struggling to find a place where she can feel comfortable and become successful..
  • Another has worked all her life, but has has now played the system to get both SSI and Disability checks. The fact that she can live the life she wants along with not having to work, somehow makes the money from the system stretch. 
  • The last has never attended college and works a bare minimum salaried job, slaving for places, hoping the white man her boss will see her experience can trump any amount of education needed to get the job done.

Me? I’m the 25 year old sitting in the corner observing these women laugh about the good and bad, men who’ve come and gone, and where they wish life would’ve taken them.

Is this real? Don’t get me wrong I love the sisterhood, laughs over great wine with my friends at someone’s home. But I don’t want to be looking back with regret about what I should’ve done in my 20s and the chances I should’ve taken when I had the chance. I want to take trips with my friends and laugh about our stupid husbands. Not look back with regret about what didn’t happen and how I ended up. 
But first I need some friends for all this to happen.. Any takers?